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Toeic Training Listening Comprehension 730

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Training course: Comprehensive practice
Part 1 & 2 Studying Types of questions
Part 1: Studying types of questions:

1. At the computer
2. At the library/bookstore
3. At the store
4. At the square
5. At the barber shop
6. In the house
7. In the office
8. At the train station
9. Riding a bike
10. At an outdoor cafe

Part 2: Studying types of questions

1. Who has the keys?
2. Will you be there?
3. How about some lunch?
4. What do you want to do?
5. Where should I put it?
6. Where it is?
7. When does it start?
8. What's in it?
9. Who is in charge of it?
10. It was great.

Training course B: Comprehensive practice
Part 3 & 4: Studying types of questions

1. What's the problem?
2. Where are they?
3. When will she make the speech?
4. What did the man forget to bring?
5. What is he doing?
6. What was supposed to happen?
7. Why does the woman turn down the invitation?

Part 4: Studying types of questions

1. When will the meeting start?
2. What is sold at the store?
3. What is the main purpose of the call?
4. What is being mentioned by the speaker?
5. How long will this cold weather last?
6. Who is Arnold?
7. What has Ms. Penelope done this year?
8. How long will the sale last?
9. How many talks will be given?
10. Who is giving the talk?

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