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TOEFL Practice Tests

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Ban biên dịch First News

If you are planning to take TOEFL, you are not alone! Over three quarters of a million people signed uo to take the test last year, and the number keeps growing. For almost all nonnative speakers of English who plan to study in either undergraduate or graduate grograms at universities or colledges in North America, an acceptable score on the exam is a necessity. Moreover, many schoolss are rasing the minimal TOEFL scores required for admission. However, preparing for this important test can be a difficult, frustrating experience.

One of the best way to ensure success on TOEFL is to take realistic pratice exams. The five tests in this book are accurate and up to date, reflecting the changes in format that ETS instituted in 1995. They are signed to duplicate actual exams in terms of format, content, items that commonly appear on actual exams. All items have been carefully pretested.

This book is designed to supplement Petersons TOEFL Success, which offers an in-depth point-by-point preparation grogram for the test. However, this book can also be used by itself.

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