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Tiếng Anh Trong Y Khoa (Kèm 1 CD)

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Eric H. Glendinning
Beverly A.S. Holmstrom

Tiếng Anh Trong Y Khoa (Kèm 1 CD)


To the teacher

To the student

Unit 1

Taking a history 1

  1. Asking basic questions

  2. Taking notes

  3. Reading skills: Scanning a case history

  4. Case history: William Hudson

Unit 2

Taking a history 2

  1. Asking about systems

  2. Asking about symptoms

  3. Reading skills: Noting information from a textbook

  4. Case history: William Hudson

Unit 3

Examining a patient

  1. Giving instructions

  2. Understanding forms

  3. Reading skills: Using a pharmacol- ogy reference

  4. Case history: William Hudson

Unit 4

Special examinations

  1. Instructing explaining and reas-suring

  2. Rrpharasing, encouraging and prompting

  3. Reading skills: Reading articles 1

  4. Case history: William Hudson

(Giá = Sách + 1 CD)

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