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Collins – Workplace English (Kèm 1 DVD + 1 CD)

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Collins – Workplace English (Kèm 1 DVD + 1 CD)

Welcome to Workplace English

A self-study course for elementary-level working adults who need English in the workplace. Designed to equip office workers, receptionists, PAs and administrators with the key vocabulary they require to speak and understand English on the phone, when greeting foreign visitors, making meeting and travel arrangements and dealing with problems.

We recommend you speand about 45 to 60 minutes to each unit

In addition, at the back of the book, there are very useful reference sections for you to use and refer to in your day-to-day work.

While you are working through this book, you will see the following symbols after certain words:

[UK] means that the word is more commonly used in British English

[US] means that the word is more commonly used in American English.

We hope you enjoy using this self-study course. Good luck in your career!

(Giá = Sách + 1 DVD & 1 CD)

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